Sakura's Drumset Database

Sakura's Drumset Database

White Marine Pearl MR Drumset

Period of use: July 14th, 1994 to early 2000
Finish: White, then later wrapped in White Marine Pearl finish
Hoops: Triple-flanged at first, mostly replaced with die-cast later
Hardware color: Chrome
Material: 4-ply maple with reinforcement rings
Toms: 8"x8", 10"x8", 12"x8", 13"x8", 14"x8", 15"x8", 16"x16", 18"x16"
Bass drums: 24"x16" and 26"x16"
Other notes: Air vents are located near the bottom hoop, located underneath the mount. Sakura was apparently picky about this. Also, he cut the edges to this drumset himself.

Sakura's comments: "My Marine Pearl MR set was the one I used as my main set for L'Arc~en~Ciel. I had this instrument teach me a truly great number of things. A number of times I replaced parts as new ones came out, I modded it to the best of my ability... in the end I even recut the edges myself. This set has become the standard to which I compare my drums."

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Before being wrapped in White Marine Pearl, the set was debuted for the Sense of Time 94 tour. He continued to use it during the Ciel/winter 95 tour. Sakura mostly used roto toms for the next tour, but the bass drum and floor toms come back by the end of this tour, now wrapped in White Marine Pearl. This seems to be when he makes the switch from clear to coated heads. The set takes on its classic form by the heavenly 95 tour. This setup has become probably the most recognized of his whole career. He often added his quarter toms too, also now wrapped in White Marine Pearl. The rack toms used Pearl ISS mounts, and his bass drums had both ride and splash cymbal mounts. Although the hardware is chrome, he often wrapped the hoops with something that was black. In 1996, Sakura replaces the hoops with die-cast hoops and also returns to using RIMS mounts. This is also when Sakura begins using fewer cymbals, and primarily of the Sabian HH variety. For Big City Nights Round Around 96, Sakura uses both of his bass drums! They are not setup for true double bass playing, but rather to use independently for the size most appropriate for the song. For the Carnival of True, Sakura slims down to just the 26" bass drum. This setup is clearly influenced by Ian Paice of Deep Purple. This set sees its final use with the debut of ZIGZO.  It has been trimmed down to 4 toms. Its final use was for recording MONSTER MUSIC and for on its tour.