Sakura's Drumset Database

Sakura's Drumset Database

Rayflower: Endless Journey

There aren't many pictures, but this was just a mini-album anyway. I think this same setup was used for basically every track.

Snare drum: 14"x5.5" Pearl MPL
Toms: Pearl MPL 8"x8", 10"x8", 12"x8", 13"x8", 14"x8", 15"x8", 16"x8"
Bass drum: Pearl MPL 20"x16"

"Fellow Soldier" and "rasen no PIECE" may have used his 14"x5.5" Hammred Steel instead, since they were recorded closer to Brilliant Anthology and he was using that snare around that time. Their sound is a little different, I believe, but I can't say whether that's due to a different snare drum

Snare drum: Remo Coated Emperor (top), Remo Ambassador Snare Side (bottom)
Toms: Remo Clear Ambassador (batter), Remo Clear Ambassador (bottom)
Bass drum: Remo Powerstroke 3 (batter), Remo Powerstroke 3 (resonant)

Around this time, Sakura mentioned on Pearl's Twitter that he's using Coated Emperors for his snare drum now. Perhaps he's Clear Emperors for his toms now, too? Unfortunately, I have no way to tell at this time.

15" Sabian HH X-Celerator Hats
21" Sabian HH Medium Heavy Ride
20", 18" and 17" Sabian HH Medium Thin Crash
10" and 8" Sabian B8 Pro China Splashes
19" Sabian Paragon Chinese
20" Sabian HHX Zen Chinese

I think he cracked his Pearl Afro splashes!